
Mìng-dĕ̤ng-ngṳ̄ Wikipedia Dâi-sé̤ṳ-guāng
Embassy of the Min Dong Wikipedia
Ambassade • Embassy • Legatio • سفارة • Посольство • Botschaft • Ambasadorejo • 大使館
(en)Welcome to the embassy of the Min Dong Wikipedia! If you have any announcements or questions regarding interlanguage issues or the Min Dong Wikipedia, you are invited to post them here or to the Talk page for this article.
Message the embassy
(zh-cdo-latn)Huăng-ngìng lì-gáu Mìng-dĕ̤ng-ngṳ̄ (Bàng-uâ) Wikipedia gì dâi-sé̤ṳ-guāng! Ṳ̀-guō nṳ̄ âu ék-chiék guăng-ṳ̀ kuá ngṳ̄-ngiòng hĕ̤k-chiā Mìng-dĕ̤ng-ngṳ̄ (Bàng-uâ) Wikipedia gì tì-ngiê hĕ̤k-chiā ông-tà̤, kī-dâe̤ng nṳ̄ găk cŭ-uái hĕ̤k-chiā tō̤-lâung hiĕk tì-chók.
Lièng-hiê dâi-sé̤ṳ

大使館簡介/Dâi-sé̤ṳ-guāng gāng-gái (Introduction of the embassy)

(en)Wikimedia Foundation projects are multilingual, with wikis in hundreds of languages being actively worked on and plenty more ready to go.

(en)This Wikimedia Embassy is a place for resources to help with cross-language issues — site-wide policy and software decisions that affect all of us and interlanguage linking.

(en)If you would like to help, please set up an equivalent page on your own language's wiki and link them together, and list yourself as a Wikimedia Ambassador below.

(en)Please read How to start a new Wikipedia to learn how to create a new Wikipedia based on the language you are using.

(en)For non-Min-Dong speakers

(zh-cdo-hani)Wikipedia:Guestbook for Non-Min-Dong Speakers提供地方來使閩東語(平話)以外其語言交流。
(zh-cmn-hant)Wikipedia:Guestbook for Non-Min-Dong Speakers提供地方用於使用閩東語以外的語言來交流。
(en)Wikipedia:Guestbook for Non-Min-Dong Speakers provides communication possibility with other users in other languages than Min Dong language.

大使/Dâi-sé̤ṳ (Ambassadors)




(en)This is a list of ambassadors who are active on Min Dong Wikipedia. If you would like to offer some help, please feel free to add your name and the languages you speak to the list.

關聯項目/Guăng-lièng hâung-mŭk (Relevant projects)