Sū-iū nĭk-cé
Siông-diòng (upload), chēng (deletion), bō̤-hô (protection), hŭng-sō̤ (blocking), gâe̤ng guāng-lī-uòng (sysop) nĭk-cé ciòng-buô hiēng-sê diŏh â-dā̤. Nṳ̄ â̤-sāi gēng-sōng nĭk-cé lôi-biék, ê̤ṳng-hô gì miàng, hĕ̤k-ciā 1 tiŏng hiĕk lì gāng-huá giék-guō.
- 2024-nièng 11-nguŏk 27-hô̤ (bái-săng) 14:16 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng iè-dông kó̤ hiĕk-miêng 討論:Sèng-gīng câng gáu 討論:Cièng-gīng câng, mò̤ làu-giâ tṳ̀ng-dêng-hióng
- 2024-nièng 11-nguŏk 27-hô̤ (bái-săng) 14:15 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng dṳ̀ kó̤ hiĕk-miêng Sèng-gīng câng (nô̤i-ṳ̀ng sê: '#重新導向 Cièng-gīng câng' (bêng-chiā cáuk-ciā nâ ô '唐吉訶德的侍從'))
- 2024-nièng 11-nguŏk 27-hô̤ (bái-săng) 14:13 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng ī-gĭng ciŏng hiĕk-miêng Sèng-gīng câng iè-dông gáu Cièng-gīng câng
- 2024-nièng 11-nguŏk 27-hô̤ (bái-săng) 14:13 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng 已建立頁面 Sèng-gīng câng (唐吉訶德的侍從移動頁面Sèng-gīng câng至Cièng-gīng câng) 1 bĭh biĕu-chiĕng: Sĭng gì tṳ̀ng-dêng-hióng
- 2024-nièng 11-nguŏk 8-hô̤ (bái-ngô) 16:55 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng 已建立頁面 2024 nièng Mī-guók cūng-tūng sōng-gṳ̄ (.)
- 2024-nièng 10-nguŏk 27-hô̤ (lā̤-bái) 15:14 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng已移動頁面Páuk Hông-ciŏ覆蓋重新導向頁面至Pak Pong-ju,未留重新導向頁面
- 2024-nièng 10-nguŏk 27-hô̤ (lā̤-bái) 15:14 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng sāi sĭng gì nó̤h muák-lâi kó̤ tṳ̀ng-dêng-hióng Pak Pong-ju (Ciā hiĕk ī-gĭng dṳ̀-lâi, ciŏng-uâng „Páuk Hông-ciŏ“ â̤-sāi iè-dông gáu cē̤-nē̤)
- 2024-nièng 10-nguŏk 27-hô̤ (lā̤-bái) 15:11 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng iè-dông kó̤ hiĕk-miêng Páuk Céng-hĭ gáu Park Chung-hee, gó muák-lâi buōng-dā̤ gì tṳ̀ng-dêng-hióng
- 2024-nièng 10-nguŏk 27-hô̤ (lā̤-bái) 15:11 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng sāi sĭng gì nó̤h muák-lâi kó̤ tṳ̀ng-dêng-hióng Park Chung-hee (Ciā hiĕk ī-gĭng dṳ̀-lâi, ciŏng-uâng „Páuk Céng-hĭ“ â̤-sāi iè-dông gáu cē̤-nē̤)
- 2024-nièng 10-nguŏk 27-hô̤ (lā̤-bái) 15:09 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng iè-dông kó̤ hiĕk-miêng Páuk Gê̤ṳng-hiê gáu Park Geun-hye, gó muák-lâi buōng-dā̤ gì tṳ̀ng-dêng-hióng
- 2024-nièng 10-nguŏk 27-hô̤ (lā̤-bái) 15:09 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng sāi sĭng gì nó̤h muák-lâi kó̤ tṳ̀ng-dêng-hióng Park Geun-hye (Ciā hiĕk ī-gĭng dṳ̀-lâi, ciŏng-uâng „Páuk Gê̤ṳng-hiê“ â̤-sāi iè-dông gáu cē̤-nē̤)
- 2024-nièng 10-nguŏk 27-hô̤ (lā̤-bái) 14:58 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng iè-dông kó̤ hiĕk-miêng Sìng Câi-gĭ gáu Sung Jae-ki, gó muák-lâi buōng-dā̤ gì tṳ̀ng-dêng-hióng
- 2024-nièng 10-nguŏk 27-hô̤ (lā̤-bái) 14:58 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng sāi sĭng gì nó̤h muák-lâi kó̤ tṳ̀ng-dêng-hióng Sung Jae-ki (Ciā hiĕk ī-gĭng dṳ̀-lâi, ciŏng-uâng „Sìng Câi-gĭ“ â̤-sāi iè-dông gáu cē̤-nē̤)
- 2024-nièng 10-nguŏk 27-hô̤ (lā̤-bái) 14:58 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng iè-dông kó̤ hiĕk-miêng Ciòng Dé-hièng gáu Jun Ji-hyun, gó muák-lâi buōng-dā̤ gì tṳ̀ng-dêng-hióng
- 2024-nièng 10-nguŏk 27-hô̤ (lā̤-bái) 14:58 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng sāi sĭng gì nó̤h muák-lâi kó̤ tṳ̀ng-dêng-hióng Jun Ji-hyun (Ciā hiĕk ī-gĭng dṳ̀-lâi, ciŏng-uâng „Ciòng Dé-hièng“ â̤-sāi iè-dông gáu cē̤-nē̤)
- 2024-nièng 10-nguŏk 27-hô̤ (lā̤-bái) 14:57 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng dṳ̀ kó̤ hiĕk-miêng Lù Ū-hièng (nô̤i-ṳ̀ng sê: '#重新導向 Roh Moo-hyun' (bêng-chiā cáuk-ciā nâ ô '唐吉訶德的侍從'))
- 2024-nièng 10-nguŏk 27-hô̤ (lā̤-bái) 14:56 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng iè-dông kó̤ hiĕk-miêng Lù Ū-hièng gáu Roh Moo-hyun, gó muák-lâi buōng-dā̤ gì tṳ̀ng-dêng-hióng
- 2024-nièng 10-nguŏk 27-hô̤ (lā̤-bái) 14:56 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng sāi sĭng gì nó̤h muák-lâi kó̤ tṳ̀ng-dêng-hióng Roh Moo-hyun (Ciā hiĕk ī-gĭng dṳ̀-lâi, ciŏng-uâng „Lù Ū-hièng“ â̤-sāi iè-dông gáu cē̤-nē̤)
- 2024-nièng 10-nguŏk 3-hô̤ (bái-sé) 07:50 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng 已建立頁面 模板:Infobox weather event/CMA (Sĭng hiĕk: {{Infobox weather event/scale <!-- Leave the parameters below alone! --> | child = {{{child|<includeonly>yes</includeonly>}}} | bodystyle = {{#if: {{yesno|{{{child|<includeonly>yes</includeonly>}}}}} | {{{bodystyle|<includeonly>border-collapse: collapse</includeonly>}}} }} | categoryonly = {{{categoryonly|}}} <!-- Leave the parameters above alone! --> | scale = CMA | interval = 10 | postinterval = {{{post-interval|{{{postinterval|}}}}}}…)
- 2024-nièng 9-nguŏk 29-hô̤ (lā̤-bái) 16:22 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng 已建立頁面 模板:Isnum (Dṳ̀ng-sĭng dêng-hióng gáu 模板:Ifnumber) 1 bĭh biĕu-chiĕng: Sĭng gì tṳ̀ng-dêng-hióng
- 2024-nièng 9-nguŏk 22-hô̤ (lā̤-bái) 15:29 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng 已建立頁面 Iĕk-dái Hŭng-bô̤ Bilis (2006 nièng) (.)
- 2024-nièng 9-nguŏk 22-hô̤ (lā̤-bái) 15:20 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng iè-dông kó̤ hiĕk-miêng Tă-gă-lṳ̆k-ngṳ̄ gáu Tagalog-ngṳ̄, gó muák-lâi buōng-dā̤ gì tṳ̀ng-dêng-hióng
- 2024-nièng 9-nguŏk 22-hô̤ (lā̤-bái) 15:20 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng sāi sĭng gì nó̤h muák-lâi kó̤ tṳ̀ng-dêng-hióng Tagalog-ngṳ̄ (Ciā hiĕk ī-gĭng dṳ̀-lâi, ciŏng-uâng „Tă-gă-lṳ̆k-ngṳ̄“ â̤-sāi iè-dông gáu cē̤-nē̤)
- 2024-nièng 9-nguŏk 22-hô̤ (lā̤-bái) 15:08 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng iè-dông kó̤ hiĕk-miêng Hŭng-tăi Chanchu (2005 nièng) gáu Hŭng-tăi Chanchu (2006 nièng), mò̤ làu-giâ tṳ̀ng-dêng-hióng
- 2024-nièng 9-nguŏk 22-hô̤ (lā̤-bái) 15:07 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng 已建立頁面 Hŭng-tăi Chanchu (2005 nièng) (.)
- 2024-nièng 9-nguŏk 22-hô̤ (lā̤-bái) 14:54 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng 已建立頁面 Hŭng-tăi Haitang (2005 nièng) (.)
- 2024-nièng 9-nguŏk 22-hô̤ (lā̤-bái) 14:46 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng iè-dông kó̤ hiĕk-miêng Ngiè-làng (gâing) gáu Ngì-làng (gâing), mò̤ làu-giâ tṳ̀ng-dêng-hióng
- 2024-nièng 9-nguŏk 22-hô̤ (lā̤-bái) 14:46 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng iè-dông kó̤ hiĕk-miêng Ngiè-làng gáu Ngì-làng, mò̤ làu-giâ tṳ̀ng-dêng-hióng
- 2024-nièng 9-nguŏk 22-hô̤ (lā̤-bái) 14:28 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng 已建立頁面 Hŭng-tăi Talim (2005 nièng) (.) 1 bĭh biĕu-chiĕng: 消歧義連結
- 2024-nièng 9-nguŏk 21-hô̤ (bái-lĕ̤k) 17:06 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng 已建立頁面 模板:EditAtWikidata (Sĭng hiĕk: {{#invoke:EditAtWikidata |showMessage |qid={{{qid|}}} |pid={{{pid|}}} |{{{1|}}} }}<noinclude> {{documentation}} </noinclude>)
- 2024-nièng 9-nguŏk 21-hô̤ (bái-lĕ̤k) 17:02 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng 已建立頁面 模板:Format price (Sĭng hiĕk: {{#iferror:{{ #ifexpr:(({{{1}}}) >= 1E+27) | {{formatnum:{{Format price/digits|{{#expr:({{{1}}}) / 1E+27}}}}}} octillion}}{{ #ifexpr:((({{{1}}}) >= 1E+24) and (({{{1}}}) < 1E+27)) | {{Format price/digits|{{#expr:({{{1}}}) / 1E+24}}}} septillion}}{{ #ifexpr:((({{{1}}}) >= 1E+21) and (({{{1}}}) < 1E+24)) | {{Format price/digits|{{#expr:({{{1}}}) / 1E+21}}}} sextillion}}{{ #ifexpr:((({{{1}}}) >= 1E+18) and (({{{1}}}) < 1E+21)) | {{Format price/digits|{{#expr:({{{1}}…)
- 2024-nièng 9-nguŏk 21-hô̤ (bái-lĕ̤k) 17:01 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng 已建立頁面 模板:Format price/digits (Sĭng hiĕk: {{#expr:({{{1|1}}} round {{#ifexpr:({{{1|1}}} >= 100) |0 |{{#ifexpr:({{{1|1}}} >= 10) |1 |2 }} }} )}}<noinclude> {{documentation}} </noinclude>)
- 2024-nièng 9-nguŏk 21-hô̤ (bái-lĕ̤k) 16:53 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng 已建立頁面 模板:Ifnumber (Sĭng hiĕk: <includeonly>{{#iferror:{{#expr:{{{1|}}}*0}}|{{{3|0}}}|{{{2|1}}}}}</includeonly><noinclude>{{documentation}}</noinclude>)
- 2024-nièng 9-nguŏk 21-hô̤ (bái-lĕ̤k) 16:41 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng 已建立頁面 模板:Number table sorting/Qyes/0 (Sĭng hiĕk: <span style="{{{style|display:none}}}" class="sortkey">{{#ifeq:{{#expr:{{{1|0}}}}}|INF |9000000000000000000 |{{#ifexpr:{{{1|0}}}=0 |5000000000000000000 |{{#expr:7000+{{{2|0}}}}}{{padleft:{{#iferror:{{#expr:{{#expr:floor({{{1|0}}}E(4-{{{2|0}}}))}}}}}}|5}}{{padleft:{{#expr:(floor({{{1|0}}}E(9-{{{2|0}}})))mod1E5}}|5}}{{padleft:{{#expr:(floor({{{1|0}}}E(14-{{{2|0}}})))mod1E5}}|5}} }} }}♠</span>)
- 2024-nièng 9-nguŏk 21-hô̤ (bái-lĕ̤k) 16:40 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng 已建立頁面 模板:Number table sorting/Qyes/1 (Sĭng hiĕk: <includeonly><span style="{{{style|display:none}}}" class="sortkey">{{#ifeq:{{#expr:{{{1|0}}}}}|-INF |1000000000000000000 |{{#ifexpr:{{{1|0}}}=0 |5000000000000000000 |{{#expr:2999-{{{2|0}}}}}{{padleft:{{#iferror:{{#expr:{{#expr:floor(({{{1|0}}}+10E{{{2|0}}})E(4-{{{2|0}}}))}}}}}}|5}}{{padleft:{{#expr:(floor(({{{1|0}}}+10E{{{2|0}}})E(9-{{{2|0}}})))mod1E5}}|5}}{{padleft:{{#expr:(floor(({{{1|0}}}+10E{{{2|0}}})E(14-{{{2|0}}})))mod1E5}}|5}} }} }}♠</span>)
- 2024-nièng 9-nguŏk 21-hô̤ (bái-lĕ̤k) 16:40 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng 已建立頁面 模板:Number table sorting/Qno/Fyes/Sno/0 (Sĭng hiĕk: <span style="{{{style|display:none}}}" class="sortkey">{{#ifeq:{{#expr:{{{1|0}}}}}|INF |9000000000000000000 |{{#ifexpr:{{{1|0}}}=0 |5000000000000000000 |{{#expr:7000+{{{2|0}}}}}{{padleft:{{#iferror:{{#expr:{{#expr:floor({{{1|0}}}E(4-{{{2|0}}}))}}}}}}|5}}{{padleft:{{#expr:(floor({{{1|0}}}E(9-{{{2|0}}})))mod1E5}}|5}}{{padleft:{{#expr:(floor({{{1|0}}}E(14-{{{2|0}}})))mod1E5}}|5}} }} }}♠</span>{{{prefix|}}}{{formatnum:{{#if:{{#titleparts:{{{1|0}}}|1|2}} |{…)
- 2024-nièng 9-nguŏk 21-hô̤ (bái-lĕ̤k) 16:39 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng 已建立頁面 模板:Nts (Dṳ̀ng-sĭng dêng-hióng gáu 模板:Number table sorting) 1 bĭh biĕu-chiĕng: Sĭng gì tṳ̀ng-dêng-hióng
- 2024-nièng 9-nguŏk 21-hô̤ (bái-lĕ̤k) 16:38 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng 已建立頁面 模板:Number table sorting/error (Sĭng hiĕk: {{#ifeq:{{{2|}}}|on ||{{#if:{{{1|}}} |'''{{color|red|Error: {{{1}}}}}''' This is not a valid number. Please refer to the documentation at {{tl|number table sorting}} for correct input. }} }})
- 2024-nièng 9-nguŏk 21-hô̤ (bái-lĕ̤k) 16:37 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng 已建立頁面 模板:Number table sorting (Sĭng hiĕk: {{number table sorting/{{#iferror:{{#expr:+{{formatnum:{{{1|}}}|R}}}} |error |Q{{{quiet|no/F{{{format|yes}}}/S{{{scinote|no}}}}}}/{{#expr:{{formatnum:{{{1}}}|R}}<0}} }} |{{formatnum:{{{1|}}}|R}}|style={{#ifeq:{{{debug}}}|yes |border:1px solid |display:none }} |{{#expr:floor((ln(abs({{formatnum:{{{1}}}|R}}))/ln10)+1E-14)}}|prefix={{{prefix|}}} |{{{hideerror|off}}} }}<noinclude> {{documentation}} <!-- Add cats and interwikis to the /doc su…)
- 2024-nièng 9-nguŏk 21-hô̤ (bái-lĕ̤k) 16:35 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng 已建立頁面 模組:Storm categories/doc (Sĭng hiĕk: {{Module rating|protected}} {{High-use}} {{ombox|text=In order to conform to Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Accessibility#Color guidelines, do not use storm colors in conjunction with links. This is necessary to avoid problems related to lack of contrast.}} {{Lua |Module:Storm categories/categories |Module:Storm categories/colors |Module:Storm categories/icons |Module:Storm categories/demo |noprotcat=yes }} This template is used to control a multitude of tropical cyclone-related…)
- 2024-nièng 9-nguŏk 21-hô̤ (bái-lĕ̤k) 16:28 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng 已建立頁面 模板:String split (Sĭng hiĕk: {{safesubst<noinclude/>:#invoke:String2 |split}}<noinclude> {{documentation}} </noinclude>)
- 2024-nièng 9-nguŏk 21-hô̤ (bái-lĕ̤k) 16:27 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng 已建立頁面 模板:Infobox weather event/doc (Sĭng hiĕk: {{Documentation subpage}} {{High-use}} {{see also|Template:Infobox weather event/doc/FAQ}} {{TemplateStyles|Template:Infobox weather event/styles.css}} {{Lua|Module:Storm categories|Module:InfoboxImage|Module:Template wrapper|Module:Check for unknown parameters}} {{Infobox weather event/doc/adoption}} This template creates a completely modular weather infobox, which aims to support almost all severe weather events and allow modularity. Each of the subboxes are developed with mo…)
- 2024-nièng 9-nguŏk 21-hô̤ (bái-lĕ̤k) 16:27 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng 已建立頁面 模板:Infobox weather event (Sĭng hiĕk: <includeonly><templatestyles src="Template:Infobox weather event/styles.css"/>{{#ifeq: {{{name|}}} | {{FULLPAGENAME}} | {{preview warning|The article title was redundantly supplied in {{para|name}}. Remove this parameter; the article title is used as the name by default.}} }}<table class="infobox ib-weather-event"><caption class="infobox-title">{{{name|{{FULLPAGENAME}}}}}</caption> {{Infobox | child = {{{child|yes}}} | bodystyle = {{{bodystyle|}}} | title = {{#ifeq: {{{child|ye…)
- 2024-nièng 9-nguŏk 21-hô̤ (bái-lĕ̤k) 16:25 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng 已建立頁面 模板:Infobox weather event/SSHWS (Sĭng hiĕk: {{Infobox weather event/scale | child = {{{child|<includeonly>yes</includeonly>}}} | bodystyle = {{#if: {{yesno|{{{child|<includeonly>yes</includeonly>}}}}} | {{{bodystyle|<includeonly>border-collapse: collapse</includeonly>}}} }} | categoryonly = {{{categoryonly|}}} | agency = {{{scale|SSHWS{{#if: {{{agency|}}} | /{{{agency}}}}}}}} | interval = 1 | postinterval = {{{post-interval|{{{postinterval|}}}}}} | category = {{{category|}}} | auto-category =…)
- 2024-nièng 9-nguŏk 21-hô̤ (bái-lĕ̤k) 16:24 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng 已建立頁面 模板:Infobox weather event/JTWC/doc (Sĭng hiĕk: {{#if: {{yesno|{{{maindoc|}}}}} || {{Documentation subpage}} == Usage == }} This subbox provides a meteorological data subbox based on the Joint Typhoon Warning Center scale, which is based on the Saffir–Simpson scale (except all tropical cyclone categories are merged into one "Typhoon" category). The {{para|basin}} parameter controls which type of cyclone is shown. This subbox relies on the meta-template Template:Infobox weather event/SSHWS, which in turn relies…)
- 2024-nièng 9-nguŏk 21-hô̤ (bái-lĕ̤k) 16:24 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng 已建立頁面 模板:Infobox weather event/JTWC (Sĭng hiĕk: {{Infobox weather event/SSHWS | child = {{{child|<includeonly>yes</includeonly>}}} | bodystyle = {{#if: {{yesno|{{{child|<includeonly>yes</includeonly>}}}}} | {{{bodystyle|<includeonly>border-collapse: collapse</includeonly>}}} }} | categoryonly = {{{categoryonly|}}} | agency = JTWC | interval = 1 | live = {{{current|{{{live|}}}}}} | winds = {{{winds|<noinclude>114</noinclude>}}} | gusts = {{{gusts|<noinclude>124</noinclude>}}} | pressure = {{…)
- 2024-nièng 9-nguŏk 21-hô̤ (bái-lĕ̤k) 16:21 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng 已建立頁面 模組:Infobox weather event/scalebar (Sĭng hiĕk: local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs local cats = require('Module:Storm categories') local p = {} function p.main(frame) local args = getArgs(frame, { trim = true }) return p._main(frame, args) end function p._main(frame, args) local infoboxScale = args["scale"] local basin = args["basin"] function getCategory(winds) templateArgs = { categoryonly = "y", winds = winds, basin = basin } return frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Infobox we…)
- 2024-nièng 9-nguŏk 21-hô̤ (bái-lĕ̤k) 16:20 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng 已建立頁面 模板:Infobox weather event/JMA/doc (Sĭng hiĕk: {{#if: {{yesno|{{{maindoc|}}}}} || {{Documentation subpage}} == Usage == }} This subbox provides a meteorological data subbox based on the Japan Meteorological Agency scale. This subbox relies on the meta-template Template:Infobox weather event/scale. {| style="width: 100%" |<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext">{{Infobox weather event/JMA | winds = 140 | gusts = 175 | pressure = 870 }}</syntaxhighlight> |{{Infobox weather event | name = | no-history = yes }}{{Infobox weath…)
- 2024-nièng 9-nguŏk 21-hô̤ (bái-lĕ̤k) 16:20 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng 已建立頁面 模板:Infobox weather event/JMA (Sĭng hiĕk: {{Infobox weather event/scale | child = {{{child|<includeonly>yes</includeonly>}}} | bodystyle = {{#if: {{yesno|{{{child|<includeonly>yes</includeonly>}}}}} | {{{bodystyle|<includeonly>border-collapse: collapse</includeonly>}}} }} | categoryonly = {{{categoryonly|}}} | agency = JMA | interval = 10 | live = {{{current|{{{live|}}}}}} | winds = {{{winds|<noinclude>87</noinclude>}}} | gusts = {{{gusts|<noinclude>102</noinclude>}}} | pressure = {{{p…)
- 2024-nièng 9-nguŏk 21-hô̤ (bái-lĕ̤k) 16:18 唐吉訶德的侍從 Tō̤-lâung góng-hióng 已建立頁面 模板:Infobox weather event/scale/doc (Sĭng hiĕk: {{Documentation subpage}} == Usage == This is a meta-template used by all of the tropical cyclone scale subboxes for Template:Infobox weather event. It is used to standardize all scale-based subboxes. This meta-template, in turn, relies on the meta-template Template:Infobox weather event/meteorology. You can create a new scale box using other scale boxes as a references, or use you can use the following form for an easier and guided experience. <inputbox> type=create p…)