「模板:Country data Egypt」調整以後𣍐蜀樣其地方

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Sĭng hiĕk: {{ {{{1<noinclude>|country showdata</noinclude>}}} | alias = Ăi-gĭk | flag alias = Flag of Egypt.svg | flag alias-Ottoman = Flag of Egypt (1793-1844).svg | flag alias-1882 = Flag o…
Replacing Flag_of_the_United_Arab_Republic.svg with File:Flag_of_Syria.svg (by CommonsDelinker because: File renamed: due to an incorrect merge).
Dâ̤ 6 hòng:
| flag alias-1922 = Flag of Egypt (1922–1958).svg
| flag alias-1952 = Flag of Egypt (1952-1958).svg
| flag alias-1958 = Flag of the United Arab RepublicSyria.svg
| flag alias-1972 = Flag of Egypt (1972-1984).svg
| flag alias-army = Flag of the Army of Egypt.svg