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'''Translation status''': Currently 2,802 characters (33%, [http://pan.baidu.com/s/1qWPpWV6#path=%252F%25E9%2597%25BD%25E4%25B8%259C%25E8%25AF%25AD%25E5%25B9%25B3%25E8%25AF%259D%25E5%25AD%2597 pages1 - 43 out of 128 pages]) of all Chinese characters have been translated into Mìng-dĕ̤ng-ngṳ̄ (Bàng-uâ-cê). The transliterated characters can be found [http://transliterationisfun.blogspot.com/2016/01/chinese-character-to-eastern-min.html on this transliteration tool]. <br /><br />'''</div>
'''Bàng-uâ-cê:''' Cī diŏng biēu sê gŏng-gé̤ṳ să̤-huŏng duòng-gáu-sê̤ṳ siā gì ''Dictionary of the Foochow Dialect, 3rd Edition (R. S. Maclay, C. C. Baldwin & S. H. Leger, 1929)'' liĕk chók lì gì, dò̤ lā̤ că Háng-cê gì Bàng-uâ-cê sāi. Cê ô nék-dék sâ̤, nguāi ô èng gì sèng-hâiu â̤ nék-giāng nék-giāng mâng-mâng páh chók lì.