文件:Flag of Namibia (vertical).svg

Nguòng-dā̤ gì ùng-giông (SVG ùng-giông, chék-cháung: 600 × 900 chuông-só, ùng-giông duâi-nâung:802位元組)

Cī-siŏh-bĭh ùng-giông téng Wikimedia Commons lì, bĕng-chiā ô kō̤-nèng ké̤ṳk gì-tă cuŏng-áng sāi. Â-dā̤ sê cī-bĭh ùng-giông găk ùng-giông mièu-sŭk hiĕk-miêng gì mièu-sŭk nô̤i-ṳ̀ng.


English: Flag of Namibia — vertical

Cê-gă cáuk-pīng. This vector image was generated programmatically from geometry defined in File:Flag of Namibia (construction sheet).svg.

Orientation (with sun in top right corner) as shown in the London 2012 Flags and Anthems Manual.
Cáuk-ciā MapGrid


Public domain
Public domain
This Namibian work is now in the public domain because its copyright protection has expired in Namibia by virtue of the Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Protection Act 6 of 1994, § 6, Sec. 1 (details). The work meets one of the following criteria:
a) it is a cinematograph film, photograph or computer program and 50 years have passed since the end of the year in which it was first made available to the public with the consent of the copyright holder;
b) it is another type of work and 50 years have passed since the end of the calendar year in which the author died.

To the uploader: Please provide the authorship and publication details.

English | +/−

Insignia 這幅圖片所顯示的是旗幟盾徽印章或其他正式的徽章。在某些國家或地區使用此符號可能會受到限制,但是這些限制與版權問題無關。


Flag of Namibia — vertical


描繪內容 繁體中文

創作作者 繁體中文


成立或建立時間 繁體中文

28 11 2021

多媒體型式 繁體中文


檔案來源 Chinese (Taiwan) (已轉換拼寫)

Ùng-giông lĭk-sṳ̄

Sōng-dĕk siŏh bĭk nĭk-gĭ/sì-găng lì káng hiā sèng-hâiu gì ùng-giông.

hiêng-káik-sì2021-nièng 11-nguŏk 28-hô̤ (lā̤-bái) 21:592021-nièng 11-nguŏk 28-hô̤ (lā̤-bái) 21:59 bēng-buōng gì sáuk-liŏk-dù600 × 900(802位元組)MapGridUploaded own work with UploadWizard

Mò̤ hiĕk-miêng lièng gáu ciā ùng-giông.

Cuòng-mĭk ùng-giông sāi-ê̤ṳng cìng-huóng

Â-dā̤ gì gì-tă wiki găk lā̤ sāi cī-bĭh ùng-giông:
